Rezervacija termina, FB i IG poruke
Zbog učestalih bugova na Meta platformi (FB i IG) koji nam otežavaju komunikaciju sa klijentima te velikih gužvi u samom studiju, od 28.08.2024. više NE ODGOVARAMO na Facebook i Instagram poruke. Neke poruke nam se ne prikazuju pa ostanu neodgovorene tjednima, a to nije razina kvalitete koju želimo u komunikaciji sa svima vama.
Molimo klijente da za rezervaciju termina (piercing, zamjene nakita, pregledi) koriste link na našem webu te da prije bookinga pročitaju sve relevantne informacije na stranici. Ukoliko nema slobodnih termina za datum koji želite, možete se upisati na waitlist i kontaktirat ćemo Vas ako nam se oslobodi odgovarajući termin. Prosječni period čekanja na termin je 10ak radnih dana.
Ako samo želite kupiti nakit (bez da Vam ga netko od piercera i postavi) ili poklon bon, nije potrebna rezervacija termina. Slobodno svratite do salona tijekom radnog vremena pon-pet 12:00 - 20:00h.
Zbog izuzetno velike količine posla u samom salonu, više nismo u mogućnosti javljati se na telefonske pozive (još nismo narasli do te mjere da imamo vlastiti call centar). Većina poziva odnosi se na rezervaciju termina, općenite upite o cijenama ili rješavanje problema sa piercingom. Booking termina sada možete napraviti sami, bez da Vam krivo upišemo ime ili kontakt podatke jer nam se netko u salonu dere na uho Cjenik naših usluga možete naći na linku. Za rješavanje problema sa piercingom nažalost ne posjedujemo kristalnu kuglu pa trebamo vidjeti o čemu se radi da bismo mogli dati adekvatan savjet - iz tog razloga uvijek tražimo da nam se putem maila octopuspiercing@gmail.com pošalju slike piercinga uz opis problema. Ukratko, telefonu je odzvonilo.
Za dogovor oko termina za tetoviranje ili lasersko uklanjanje tetovaža, molimo koristite naš online formular ili nam se javite mailom na info.octopustattoo@gmail.com
Ni za ovaj dio poslovanja nemamo kristalnu kuglu te Vam ne možemo reći 'okvirnu' cijenu tetovaže bez da vidimo o čemu se konkretno radi, koji je stil, veličina, koliko ima boja itd. 'Okvirna cijena' može biti od 100 do 1000 eura. Smatramo da to nije informacija kakvu želite i da biste voljeli čuti malo više detalja, no za to prvo Vi nama trebate dati više detalja
Hvala svima na razumijevanju
Veselimo se vašem dolasku!
Octopus crew ♥
Appointment booking, Facebook and Instagram messages
Due to frequent bugs on Meta platforms (FB and IG) that hinder our communication with clients and the high demand at the studio, starting from August 28, 2024, we will NO LONGER RESPOND to Facebook and Instagram messages. Some messages do not appear for us and remain unanswered for weeks, which is not the level of quality we strive for in our communication with all of you.
We kindly ask clients to use the link on our website for appointment bookings (piercing, jewelry replacement, check-ups) and to read all relevant information on the page before booking. If there are no available appointments for your desired date, you can sign up for the waitlist, and we will contact you if an appropriate slot becomes available. The average waiting period for an appointment is about 10 working days.
If you only want to purchase jewelry (without having it installed by one of our piercers) or a gift certificate, no appointment is necessary. Feel free to drop by the salon during working hours, Mon-Fri 12:00 PM - 8:00 PM.
Due to the extremely high workload in the salon, we are no longer able to answer phone calls (we haven’t grown enough to have our own call center yet). Most calls are related to appointment bookings, general price inquiries, or resolving piercing issues. You can now book appointments yourself, without us misspelling your name or contact information because someone in the salon is shouting in our ear You can find our service price list at the link. Unfortunately, we do not possess a crystal ball to resolve piercing issues, so we need to see what's going on to give proper advice - this is why we always ask you to send pictures of the piercing along with a description of the problem to our email at octopuspiercing@gmail.com .
For tattoo appointments or laser tattoo removal, please use our online form or email us at info.octopustattoo@gmail.com . For this part of the business, we also don’t have a crystal ball and cannot give you an "approximate" price for a tattoo without seeing the specifics, such as style, size, number of colors, etc. An "approximate price" could range from 100 to 1,000 euros. We believe this is not the information you want and that you’d prefer to hear more details, but for that, we first need you to provide us with more details
Thank you all for your understanding
We look forward to your visit!
Octopus crew ♥